Monday, November 15, 2010

What Does Socrates Teach Us?

This ugly man below is Socrates: 

Yet don't let his appearance distract you. Socrates teaches us to be intelligent non-conformists. What is an intelligent non-conformist? This terms refers to a person who does not submit him/herself to the rules of society. We should avoid acting like mindless sheep in a herd and instead act upon what we feel is just and appropriate. We should not acquiesce to the norms established by our peers if they contradict what we believe to be correct. 

Socrates also provides us with a method to practice philosophy. This is the Socratic Method: (1) present thesis, (2) provide a counterexample, (3) refine thesis and repeat until no counterexample can be utilized. 
Through the Socratic Method, one attain a clearer understanding of the argued topic in the pursuit of establishing a concrete conclusion or answer. Moreover, this method allows us to question the social conventions of society, avoiding the "herd" mentality.

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